
Share your story #shakiaharrisart @shakiaharrisart

“Many moons ago, I was a studio art major and switched majors because I didn’t feel good enough- my professors didn’t help. I’m a creative- writer and art lover- and through decades of work and mothering, I’ve stifled my creativity. I saw Shakia at the Big Four Arts Festival and her work immediately inspired me. After my first day working on her class, I felt a burst of energy and confidence. I have a lot to learn still but love the approachability of this lesson. I was initially intimidated and worried I would disappoint myself, but I am so excited now. Thanks Shakia, can’t wait to finish and do more.”

Tara Leigh

“Thank you!! Enjoying your class and the process!”

Emily Blankenship

“I learnt a lot from your course”



Shakia Harris

Artist & Special Education Teacher

I'm Shakia Harris, an artist, educator, advocate, and I'm thrilled to share my journey with you. I seek to infuse each canvas with thick texture, vibrant colors, and emotional brushstrokes to spark curiosity, and encourage viewers to embrace the beauty of imperfection. After graduating from Western Kentucky University (WKU) in 2015 with a degree in Exceptional Education, Learning and Behavioral Disabilities/ Moderate to Severe Disabilities, I discovered the transformative power of painting in oils. In 2018, I taught myself to paint, and it became a therapeutic outlet (victim of an armed home invasion), helping me navigate the complexities of life and find solace in creativity. I started selling original oil paintings to fund my special needs classroom. I'm now an award-winning artist with worldwide collectors and features in the following: Today Show, Wayfair, ABC 36, Scary Mommy, Today's Woman Magazine, Louisville Business First 40 Under 40, WLKY, Artist/Mother Podcast, & so many more. Visit shakiaharrisart.com to learn more